About Us
In order to set the benchmark for our profession in Singapore, the Landscape Architects Accreditation Programme has been set up to distinguish competent landscape architects, who ensure best practices when designing spaces by taking into consideration the health, safety and welfare of the public, as well as the conservation of flora and fauna in the environment.
The programme provides practical evaluation criteria and accredits individual landscape architects with the appropriate skills and knowledge. It will also define the responsibilities of a landscape architect and assure the right professional for further progression. SILA introduced the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) scheme for members in 2012, and it has since been developed into the current Accreditation Programme with support from the DesignSingapore Council.
The Accreditation Programme will be enhanced further in the future to enhance the foundation and acumen of our profession, which contributes to the transformation of cities making them sustainable and yet comfortable.
The Landscape Architects Accreditation Office, Singapore which is a part of SILA was set up in March 2015 to undertake the Accreditation Programme independently. The office is thus a member of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) and supports the IFLA Asia Pacific Region Landscape Charter 2015.
The office is responsible for holding an updated list of accredited landscape architects and administering matters related to accreditation application, examination and certification. Both SILA and non-SILA members are to be treated equally to maintain the characteristics of the programme that are open to public. The accreditation training courses are conceptualised and will be conducted by SILA in conjunction with accreditation objectives.